Wie zegt dat alle economen saai zijn? De crisis brengt ook daar heel wat creativiteit naar boven.
Fresh from the resounding success of “How do we solve a problem like Mario“, lyricist-extraordinaire Brian Lucey has a new song for the delectation of those interested in all matters Greek.
Haircuts on Greek bonds, ELA exploding
LTROs and OMTs , liquidity flowing
Wondering which of the lefties will win
These are a few of my favorite thingsDeposits eroding and capital oozing
Taxes evading and cronies a schmoozing
Yanis going cheap via Ger-man Wings
These are a few of my favorite things13 month salaries, no privatisation
Structural reforms that are stuck at the station
Facing the Troika what will it bring?
These are a few of my favorite thingsWhen the Dawns comes
When Putin rings
When I’m feeling sad
I simply remember my favorite things
And then I don’t feel so bad
Brian Lucey durft zijn alternatieve tekst niet zelf ten gehore te brengen, maar business analyst Frances Coppola pakt de handschoen niet geheel onverdienstelijk op!