Britse anti-EU partij beleeft doorbraak in Lagerhuis

De Britse anti-EU partij UKIP heeft donderdag zijn eerste parlementszetel gewonnen. UKIP won de tussentijdse verkiezingen in de stad Clacton, aan de Engelse oostkust.

De politicus Douglas Carswell kreeg 60 procent van de stemmen. Hij krijgt hiermee zijn zetel in het Lagerhuis terug. Die gaf hij op, toen hij eind augustus overstapte van de Conservatieve partij naar UKIP.

De winst wordt door de Britse media gezien als een doorbraak voor de anti-immigratie beweging in het Verenigd Koninkrijk. De UKIP, met als belangrijkste punten het indammen van de immigratie en een vertrek van het land uit de Europese Unie, is al langer aan een opmars bezig.

Zo was UKIP bij de Europese verkiezingen van mei dit jaar de grootste van het land, met 27 procent van de stemmen. Bij de nationale verkiezingen in mei volgend jaar scoort de partij naar verwachting minder hoog: Labour staat in de peilingen bovenaan met 36 procent, gevolgd door de Conservatieven (31) en dan pas UKIP (16).

Bron: ANP via de Volkskrant

Douglas Carswell’s overstap naar UKIP schok voor Britse politieke systeem

There are very few MPs I admire more than Douglas Carswell. He is principled, decent, and has gone into politics for all the right reasons. He believes in all the things to which ordinary politicians pay lip service, but in reality frighten them to death. Above all, Mr Carswell is an advocate of popular democracy: that is, that politics is an activity which concerns ordinary voters and not the views of the Westminster elite. He is a fountain of original ideas, many of which are to be found in his very important book The Plan: Twelve months to renew Britain. It is very interesting to note that the book was co-written with the brilliant conservative MEP (and fellow Telegraph blogger) Daniel Hannan.

But Mr Carswell cannot be dismissed as a naive or out of touch intellectual. Let us remember that it was five years ago that it was Carswell who set in motion the movement which swept Speaker Martin from office in the wake of the expenses scandal.

This is why I believe that Mr Carswell’s decision to quit the Tory party and join Nigel Farage’s Ukip is a seismic political event. He cannot be compared to the ordinary self-interested political defections, for instance Shaun Woodward or Quentin Davies’ departure from the Conservatives to New Labour, in 2001 and 2007 respectively. Mr Carswell, and this is completely terrifying for David Cameron, is acting out of conviction rather than self-interest. It is greatly to the credit of Mr Carswell that, in striking contrast to Woodward or Davies, he has called a by-election to fight his Essex constituency, where he may even stand a chance of success. If he wins, he will have broken every known rule of politics. It has always been assumed that the individual vote which an incumbent MP can attract is a fraction of that commanded by the party which he represents. If Mr Carswell carries Clacton, a political convulsion will have taken place.

Lees deze column van Peter Oborne verder op The Telegraph
Lees ook: Douglas Carswell – It’s time for change